Get the most out of your solar power system by storing excess power in A Solar Battery
With the NSW Feed-in Tariff rates decreasing, and new solar battery rebates available*, adding a battery to your solar system has never been more economical.
Batteries maximise your solar savings and ensure that every watt generated by your panels is utilised effectively. They provide you with resilience and adaptability in an ever-evolving energy market.
Ultimate Solar offers state-of-the-art solar battery solutions that are not just eco-friendly but save you money.
Our Solar & Home Battery Installations
Why Now is the time to get a solar battery

Uninterrupted Power Supply
The primary benefit of adding a battery system to your home is the assurance of an uninterrupted power supply. In the event of a power outage, you’ll keep your lights on and your appliances running. This level of energy security is invaluable, especially in areas prone to power outages where disruptions to the elecricity supply could last for weeks.
Tax Incentives, Grants, and Rebates
Many governments and local authorities offer incentives, such as tax rebates or other incentives. These incentives can significantly lower the initial cost of installation. Contact our team for more information about the new government rebates and special offers available to you.

Increased Energy Independence
With a solar battery system, you can store excess solar energy generated during the day, to be used at night or during peak demand hours when electricity prices are higher. With a solar battery, you can choose to use your stored power when you need it most. This means you can balance usage and reduce peak/demand charges.
Reduced Energy Bills
Solar batteries enable you to avoid peak electricity rates by enabling you to use stored battery power once the sun goes down. Over time, the savings generated more than cover the cost of the solar battery system for most households, making it a smart financial investment.

Increased Property Values
Homes equipped with solar energy systems and solar batteries are highly attractive to prospective buyers. Studies have shown that homes with solar energy systems sell faster and at higher prices than those without. Adding a batrtery backup system enhances this value further as it’s a complete, solar power energy solution.
Eco-Friendly Energy Use
Using a solar battery system helps reduce the carbon footprint of your home. By relying less on fossil-fueled grid power and more on the solar energy you produce, you contribute directly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This shift to cleaner energy sources is vital in the fight against climate change.

Enhanced Solar Panel Efficiency
By storing the energy produced, you ensure that none of it goes to waste. The financial benefits of selling power back to the grid has been declining rapidly and is predicted to continue. These days selling power back to the grid is simply not worth it for most solar panel owners.
We Make The Process Easy
Call Us
Free AssessmentFree Assessment
We’ll assess your electricity needs using our aerial imagery technology to determine if solar suits your needs
Free QuotesFree Quotes
We’ll recommend the right system with an obligation free quote
With WiFi MonitoringFully Monitored
We’ll arrange installation along with a Wi-Fi monitoring application you can use to monitor on your mobile
Ongoing supportOngoing Service
Ongoing advice, questions and warranties at no additional cost
Residential Battery & Solar Services
Ultimate Solar Solutions Helps Slash Power Bills | High Quality Solar Panel and Battery System Installations |Ultimate Solar Solutions Helps Slash Power Bills | High Quality Solar Panel and Battery System Installations |
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